建筑管理学士(Bachelor of Building and Construction Management)
企业管理学士(Bachelor of Business Administration)
商业学士(Bachelor of Commerce)
管理学学士(Bachelor of Management)
应用经济学学士(Bachelor of Applied Economics)
旅游管理学士(Bachelor of Tourism Management)
政治与国际关系学士(Bachelor of Politics and International Relations)
城市和区域规划学士(Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning)
广告与市场行销传播学学士(Bachelor of Advertising and Marketing Communication) 中文 英文
建筑学文科学士(Bachelor of Arts in Architecutre)
文科学士(Bachelor or Arts)
传播学与媒体研究学士(Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies)
文化遗产学学士(Bachelor of Cultural Heritage)
文化遗产保护学士(Bachelor of Cultural Heritage Conservation)
平面设计学士(Bachelor of Graphic Design)
工业设计学士(Bachelor of Industrial Design)
室内建筑学学士(Bachelor of Interior Architecture)
室内设计学士(Bachelor of Interior Design)
国际研究文科学士(Bachelor of Arts in International Studies)
新闻学学士(Bachelor of Journalism)
园林学学士(Bachelor of Arts in Landscape)
媒体艺术与创作学士(Bachelor of Media Arts and Production)
公共关系学士(Bachelor of Public Relations) 中文 英文
写作学士(Bachelor of Writing)
商业信息学学士(Bachelor of Business Informatics) 中文 英文
信息技术学士(Bachelor of Information Technology) 中文 英文
网络与软件工程学士(Bachelor of Engineering in Network and Software Engineering) 中文 英文
软件工程学士(Bachelor of Software Engineering) 中文 英文
社区教育学士(Bachelor of Community Education)
儿童早期教育教育学学士(8岁前)(Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Teaching)(Brith-8 Years)
儿童早期教育教育学学士(3-8岁)(Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Teaching)(3-8 Years)
中学教学教育学学士(k-10岁)(Bachelor of Education in Middle School Teaching)(K-10)
儿童早期教育学士(要求本科学历)(Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood)(Graduate Entry)
小学教学教育学学士(Bachelor of Educaiton in Primary Teaching)
中学教育教育学学士(要求本科学历)(Bachelor of Education in Secondary Teaching)(Graduate Entry)
中学教育教育学学士(设计与科学学科)(Bachelor of Education in Secondary Teaching)(Design and Technology)
中学教育教育学学士(健康与体育学科)(Bachelor of Education in Secondary Teaching)(Health and Physical Education)
中学教育教育学学士(音乐学科)(Bachelor of Education in Secondary Teaching)(Music)
人体营养学学士(Bachelor of Human Nutrition)
产科学学士(Bachelor of Midwifery)
护理学学士(Bachelor of Nursing)
心理学学士(Bachelor of Science in Psychology)
体育管理学学士(Bachelor of Sports Management)
训练学学士(Bachelor of Coaching Science)
体育媒体学士(Bachelor of Sports Media)
环境科学学士(Bachelor of Environmental Science)
法医学学士(Bachelor of Forensic Studies)
人体生物学应用科学学士(Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Biology)
医学学士(Bachelor of Medical Science)
科学学士(Bachelor of Science)
司法研究学士(Bachelor of Social Science in Justice Studies)
司法研究学士(网上授课)Bachelor of Social Science in Justice Studies)(Online)
法律学士(Bachelor of Laws)
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)(Extended)
人力资源管理硕士(Master of Human Resource Management)
国际商务硕士(Master of Internaitonal Business)
国际商务硕士(Master of International Business)(Extended)
市场管理硕士(Master of Marketing Management)
管理学硕士(Master of Management)
职业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)
职业会计硕士(Master of Professional Accounting)(Extended)
公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration)
旅游管理硕士(Master of Tourism Management)
建筑学硕士(Master of Architecture)
数码设计硕士(Master of Digital Design)
数码设计硕士(荣誉学位)(Master of Digital Design)(Honours)
平面设计硕士(Master of Design in Graphic Design)
工业设计硕士(Master of Industrial Design)
室内建筑硕士(Master of Interior Architecture)
园林建筑学硕士(Master of Landscape Architecture)
营销传播学硕士(Master of Marketing Communication)
营销传播学硕士(网络授课)(Master of Marketing Communication)(Online)
TESOL与外语教学文科硕士(Master of Arts in TESOL and Foreign Language Teaching)
信息研究硕士(Master of Information Studies)(Online)
创新写作硕士(网上授课)(Master of Creative Writing)(Online)
咨商学文科硕士(Master of Arts in Counselling)
社区与卫生发展学硕士(Master of Community and Health Development)
教育学硕士(Master of Education)
教育领导学硕士(Master of Educational Leadership)
融合教育学硕士(Master of Inclusive Education)
融合教育自闭症方向硕士(Master of Inclusive Education in Autism)
临床心理学硕士(Master of Clinical Psychology)
运动学硕士(Master of Exercise Science)
药学硕士(Master of Pharmacy)
物理治疗硕士(Master of Physiotherapy)
营养学硕士(Master of Nutrition)
营养与饮食学硕士(Master of Nutrition and Dietetics)
信息技术硕士(Master of Information Technology)
信息技术与系统学硕士(Master of Information Technology and Systems)
信息技术主型计算方向(高阶)Master of Information Technology in Mainframe Computing(Advanced)
技术硕士(Master of Technology)
法学博士(Juris Doctor)
国际海关法与管理学硕士(Master of International Customs Law and Administration)
国际海关法与管理学硕士(网上授课)(Master of International Customs Law and Administration)(Online)
国际经济法硕士(Master of International Economic Law)
法学硕士(Master of Laws)
法律研究硕士(Master of Legal Studies)
国际税收管理硕士(Master of International Revenue Administration)
国际税收管理硕士(网上授课)(Master of International Revenue Administration)(Online)
法医研究(科学)硕士(网上授课)(Master of Forensic Studies (Forensic Science)(Online)
地理信息科学理科硕士(Master of Science in Geogrphic Information Science)(Online)