澳大利亚西悉尼大学(University of Western Sydney)是澳大利亚几所较大的的公立大学之一,位于澳大利亚东岸新悉尼市,在全悉尼总共有6个校区,分别是Bankstown campus、Blacktown campus、Campbelltown campus、Hawkesbury campus、Parramatta campus、Penrith campus。西悉尼大学有37000多名学生,其中有来自世界各国的4000名国际学生。西悉尼大学有很多的课程可供选择,非常宽泛。我们有特色的专业是经济和翻译以及护理专业,还有很多很多专业。学校的校训是“把知识带到生活中去”,我们在这个方面有一个特别的优势,因为在全悉尼都有我们的学校。就跟一个高级商学院有合作的项目,包括市场高级学位我们都和很多公司有合作。
(1)College of Arts 人文学院
下设School of Communication Arts, School of Education, School of Humanities and Languages, School of Psychology, School of Social Sciences
(2)College of Business 商学院
下设School of Accounting, School of Economics and Finance, School of Law, School of Management, School of Marketing, Sydney Graduate School of Management
(3)College of Health and Science 健康和科学学院
下设School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, School of Computing and Mathematics,School of Engineering, School of Medicine, School of Natural Sciences, School of Nursing and Midwifery
(1)College of Arts 人文学院
下设School of Communication Arts, School of Education, School of Humanities and Languages, School of Psychology, School of Social Sciences
(2)College of Business 商学院
下设School of Accounting, School of Economics and Finance, School of Law, School of Management, School of Marketing, Sydney Graduate School of Management
(3)College of Health and Science 健康和科学学院
下设School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, School of Computing and Mathematics,School of Engineering, School of Medicine, School of Natural Sciences, School of Nursing and Midwifery