艺术与教育学院(Faculty of Arts and Education)
传播与创意艺术学院(School of Communication and Creative Arts)
教育学院(School of Education)
人文与与社会科学学院(School of Humanities and Social Sciences)
商学与法学院(Faculty of Business and Law)
迪肯商学院(Deakin Business School)
迪肯法学院(Deakin Law School)
卫生学院(Faculty of Health)
运动与营养科学学院(School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences)
卫生与社会发展学院(School of Health and Social Development)
医学院(School of Medicine)
护理与助产学院(School of Nursing and Midwifery)
心理学院(School of Psychology)
理工与建筑环境学院(Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment)
建筑与建筑环境学院(School of Architecture and Built Environment)
工程学院(School of Engineering)
信息技术学院(School of Information Technology)
生命与环境研究学院(School of Life and Environmental Sciences)