1 战略研究 Strategic Studies
2 澳大利亚战略与国防政策 Australian Strategic and Defence Policy
3 恐怖年代中的暴乱与反暴乱 Insurgency & Counterinsurgency in an Age of Terror
4 亚洲新强权政治 The New Power Politics of Asia
5 战略研究概念与方法 Strategic Studies Concepts and Methods
6 行动战略:统筹国力要素 Strategy in Action: Orchestrating the Elements of National Power
7 美国的亚太安全战略 U.S. Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific
8 巴以冲突动态 Dynamics of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
9 海湾战略环境 The Gulf Strategic Environment
10 军民关系 Civil-Military Relations
11 疾病、安全与生物武器 Disease, Security and Biological Weapons
12 战略研究实习 Strategic Studies Internship
13 中国国防与战略挑战 China‘s Defence and Strategic Challenges
14 情报与安全 Intelligence and Security
15 亚洲世纪的核战略 Nuclear Strategy in the Asian Century