学校类型:公立 中学
学校地址:South Terrace,Bordertown SA 5268
0%Bordertown High School is located in the Upper South East of South Australia in the centre of the Tatiara District Council. It is situated in picturesque grounds studded with magnificent Blue Gums and lush playing fields. There are currently 310 students attending from Year 8 through to 12.
Bordertown High School boasts a fine academic record where students achieve success supported by a highly committed staff. The School is managed by an experienced Governing Council that aims to ensure funds are committed to achieving the best educational outcomes for all students.
The School has a strong Information Technology, Agriculture and Vocational Education focus with a large number of students engaging in these areas.
At Bordertown Primary School, Mundulla Primary School and Bordertown High School we will:
Openly talk about bullying ?what it is, how it affects us and what we can do about it Teach our children the skills that will build their self-esteem and empower them to take the responsibility for themselves ?and give them the opportunity to practise these skills
Formulate a policy that clearly states what actions we will take to deal with bullying behaviour.
Conduct a bully audit at each site which identifies repeat offenders Responsibilities of staff:
To model appropriate behaviours at all times
To listen to children when disclosing a bullying situation
Actively teach skill and strategies to deal with bullying situations
Actively encourage students to report incidences of bullying
To deal with reported and observed incidences of bullying as set out in this policy
To report incidences to the principal if this is warranted Reinforce positive student anti bullying behaviours.
Responsibilities of children:
To help someone who is being bullied by being a positive bystander. Helpful bystanders can assist by: telling the bully to stop, being a friend to the person being bullied, walking away so the bully does not have an audience, telling an adult, getting help.
To not bully others
To report others who are bullying others at school or on the way to or from school.
Responsibilities of parents:
To watch for signs that their child may be being bullied
To speak to someone on staff at the appropriate school if their child is being bullied, or they suspect that this is happening.
To instruct their children to use the school grievance procedure if they are being bullied
Be a positive role model for your child.
All students are expected to complete tasks on time. Extensions may be granted under special circumstances.
All subject teachers are to give the Principal and the students in their classes an outline of the assessment for that subject, including the assessment process used, the weightings, and the approximate time line for deadlines.
Marking schemes for assignment/assessment are to be given to students at the start of the assignment/assessment.
Stated deadlines for assignments must be strictly adhered to :
(a) Students should submit the assignments by the stated deadline, unless there is a medical certificate. Where possible, the medical exemption should be discussed with the teacher prior to the deadline, and an extension negotiated.
(b) All work submitted after deadlines (unless under medical exemption) should receive 0, which is to be recorded as the student抯 mark. The assignment may be marked for feedback purposes only.
(c) If an extension is negotiated due to medical reasons, the remainder of the class should be advised of the new deadline for that student.
(d) If a student is absent on the day of the deadline, the work will only be graded if a medical certificate is presented for that absence.
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The Australian National University
The University of Sydney
The University of Melbourne
The University of New South Wales
University of Queensland
Monash University
The University of Western Australia
Adelaide University
Bond University
University of Technology Sydney