学校类型:公立 中学
学校地址:Foot Street, Frankston VIC 3199
0%Frankston High School is a large multi campus, coeducational school situated in South Frankston. We have a strong sense of tradition with excellent parent involvement and strong links with the local community. The school has a population in excess of 1600 students. The Year 7-10 and Senior Campuses occupy nearby sites.
Students achieve outstanding results in the VCE and in tertiary selection and the school is placing increasing importance on offering VCE programs which maximise tertiary opportunities for all students. There are a large number of accelerated courses, including university enhancement programs. Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs are now well established at the VCE level. In 2007 we introduced a Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL Program) as an alternate pathway for our senior students.
A well-established transition program helps students to adjust from primary to secondary school and the Year 7 tutorial program engenders a sense of security and belonging to the school. As students’ progress through each sub-school they are introduced to increased choice, flexibility and responsibility, culminating in a more adult learning environment in the Senior Campus. In each sub-school the curriculum aims to promote extension and enhancement of learning for all students.
Frankston High School continues to lead state schools in the use of technology to enhance learning outcomes. Tablet Notebook computer classes at Years 7 to 10 have proved an outstanding success and staff have undergone extensive relevant professional learning. Our wireless network, school intranet, learning centre student e-mail addresses and a school website facilitate communication with the world and promote true “twenty-four-seven” learning.
Frankston High School’s innovative curriculum program is enhanced by an extensive extra-curricular program including music, sport, lunchtime activities and musical production. These programs, together with a strong Student Leadership Council (SLC), provide many opportunities for students to develop leadership skills. All students are actively encouraged to involve themselves in the school and its many programs and activities.
Priority has been given to providing for the pastoral care and health needs of all students and to maximising opportunities for students at all levels to develop leadership skills. Programs such as Hands on Learning and Pathways cater for students with different learning styles. There has also been a strong focus on improving literacy and numeracy from Years 7 to 10.
The school has continued to give high priority to ongoing and systematic processes of staff professional learning. There has been a continued focus on helping students to take increased responsibility for their own learning as they progress through the school. Students’ health and welfare needs are addressed by the student well-being team.
The school community is proud of our reputation as an outstanding school and its members continue to work together to further develop and consolidate the many exemplary educational programs at Frankston High School.
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The Australian National University
The University of Sydney
The University of Melbourne
The University of New South Wales
University of Queensland
Monash University
The University of Western Australia
Adelaide University
Bond University
University of Technology Sydney