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Evans High School and Evans Intensive English Centre

Evans High School and Evans Intensive English Centre优势有

澳大利亚留学云-院校关键词-2015年09月13日 22:24

Evans Intensive English Centre provides intensive English language instruction, orientation, welfare and settlement support to newly arrived high school aged students, including international student

  留学360介绍,Evans Intensive English Centre provides intensive English language instruction, orientation, welfare and settlement support to newly arrived high school aged students, including international students. Attached to Evans High School, the Centre provides high school preparation support for students from diverse language backgrounds. Intensive English is taught through key subject learning areas to develop students’ English skills to a level that will allow them to enter high school and continue their general education and English language learning. Bilingual staff assist student learning and support communication with parents and caregivers. Most students study in the specialised learning environment of the Centre for approximately 30 to 40 weeks before transferring to a high school.

  Evans Intensive English Centre is situated in a very established community which is characterised by caring parents, a high level of interest in education and a willingness to be involved in the school community. This is evidenced by the resultant actions of parent groups such as the Auxiliary and the P&C. The school has a very experienced staff who are committed to achieving quality educational outcomes. The staff are multi-skilled and are involved in a wide range of extra-curricula activities.

EvansHighSchoolandEvansIntensiveEnglishCentre 人气15055




院校地址:166 Walters Road, Blacktown 2148


学校简介:Evans Intensive English Centre provides intensive English language instruction, orientation, welfare and settlement support to newly arrived high school aged students, including international students. …更多

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