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Murray Bridge High School

Murray Bridge High School如何

澳大利亚留学云-院校关键词-2015年09月30日 20:44

Murray Bridge High School, a regional State High School, offers pathways to cater for all students: Academic, Vocational and Regional Special Education.

  留学360介绍,Murray Bridge High School caters for a diversity of students.

  Murray Bridge High School, a regional State High School, offers pathways to cater for all students: Academic, Vocational and Regional Special Education. It has International programs including Rotary, Germany and New Zealand exchanges, fee paying International students and an International Short Term Visit program with DECS and Funabashi Municipal High School, Tokyo, Japan.

  The academic program is diverse enabling specialisation in Arts, Performing Arts, Sciences and Information Technologies. Students entering in Year 8 may accelerate their studies. The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme provides the framework for the Middle School. In Senior School students undertake subjects across traditional year levels. Students undertake the new SACE (The South Australian Certificate of Education).

  The vocational program offers individual pathways for students in areas as diverse as Agriculture, Automotive, Electrotechnology, Polymer Processing, Food and Hospitality, Tourism, Nursing and Aged and Child Care. Murray Bridge High School is the lead school of the Lower Murray Trade Training Centre and the Murraylands Trade School for the Future sharing an alliance with other regional public secondary schools in the delivery of VET curriculum.

  The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme works cooperatively across a cluster of schools: Murray Bridge High School, Murray Bridge North Primary School, Mypolonga Primary School, Tailem Bend Primary School, and Jervois Primary School.

  Murray Bridge High School, while having mainly rural ‘Australian’ students, also has an increasing diversity of student backgrounds. We have a very strong Aboriginal community, with Murray Bridge High School teaching Ngarrindjeri, the local Indigenous language. We also offer German, reflecting the background and history of our community. Chinese was introduced in 1998. We have many newly arriving Chinese students in Regional Skilled Migration Programs and diverse Muslim people including Afghan and Lebanese. Sudanese and Congolese, in Humanitarian Refugee Programs, are new arrivals.

MurrayBridgeHighSchool 人气17485




院校地址:Lohmann Street,Murray Bridge SA 5253


学校简介:Murray Bridge High School, a regional State High School, offers pathways to cater for all students: Academic, Vocational and Regional Special Education. …更多

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